Information for Parents/Guardians of 5th Year Students 2024/25
Year Head: Ms Colette Clarke
Link Deputy Principal: Mr Kevin McGowan
Principal's Letter 2024/25
Principal's letter to continuing students and parents
5th Year Booklist: available here Please use quickcode ap8q5y when ordering on
Book Grant Form: available here
School Calendar 2024/25: available here
Financial Information:
- Details of our online payment system can be found on our website homepage (top right button “Pay Online”) or here. When your details of our new students are uploaded we will text you to remind you to check our online payment system to ensure that all outstanding balances are paid. Please note that we do not use VSware for school payments.
- The €50 admin covers the cost of student 24-hour insurance and operating costs of the school communication system. It contributes to other school costs including locker rental, printing, photocopying, phone calls and access to IT educational software for all students. We ask all parents to pay this cost for each student. Padlocks for lockers will be made available for all students when they start school.
- A voluntary student contribution of €90 helps us to cover the costs of our active extra-curricular programme, end of year awards and other ongoing costs. Sibling discounts can be requested through the front office (2 siblings – pay €90+€45; 3 or more siblings pay €90+€45+€30+€0).
School timetable: Your child’s timetable will be available when they arrive for induction and you can also view it on your parent VSware app when term starts.
Uniform: Full uniform policy available on our website here – please read carefully; Students in all years do PE and require a full school PE uniform. Students wear their PE uniform for the day when PE is on the timetable. Our uniform supplier is Schoolwear House and the uniform flyer and pricelist is here. Contact details and sizing advice are available on their website
5th year Induction Day Wednesday 28th August 10.45am - 12.45pm: Students should arrive in full uniform and require only a copy, a pencil case and a small snack on their induction days. A locker will be allocated to students and books can be brought in gradually over the first week.
Classes: Classes begin on Friday 30th August for all students. Please note that classes finish at 13.06 on this day.
Over 18 Student Request Form
Please read this letter and return this form to the Year Head if a student has turned 18.