Pastoral Care

In Lucan Community College each person is valued and respected for who they are. Within our school there exists a supportive, safe and friendly environment, where we foster collaboration and promote equality and tolerance as preparation for life and involvement in society. In our college we engage in the ‘tutor system’ as a means of pastoral care and getting to know each individual student and their needs.

Each student in each class group in every year of our school is assigned a Tutor. This is a teacher who, in a voluntary capacity, is the mentor for their particular class. The role of the tutor is one primarily concerned with the welfare of the students, their positive induction and integration into school life each year and continued well-being within our school.

Each year group and tutor team is governed by an Assistant Principal teacher in the position of Year Head. The Year Head and tutor also have specific roles to perform in regards communication between school and parents/guardians via the student’s college journal and in parent-teacher meetings. It is vital that every parent/guardian communicates information in relation to the well-being of their child to the tutor, year head or guidance counsellor so that the college can best support your son/daughter as they engage in second level education.

The counselling/guidance department can also be called upon by Year Head or management to become involved in a pastoral role also. Staff in Lucan Community College take great pride in the positive relationships formed between all members of our community; students, parents and staff.

Year Heads

  • Mr Jason Carey
  • Ms Niamh Gallagher
  • Ms Aoife McKelvey
  • Ms Colette Clarke
  • Ms Genevieve Casey
  • Mr John Grimes

School Guidance and Counselling

  • Ms Eileen O’Gara
  • Ms Edel McManus

Resource Teachers

  • Ms Lorraine Quirke
  • Ms Tara Doyle
  • Mr Eoin O’Neill
Lucan Community College,
Esker Drive,
Co. Dublin,
K78 TF67.

© 2024 Lucan Community College