The Education Act encourages all schools to have a student council. Lucan Community College operates a student council made up of elected representatives from each class.
A number of teachers also attend student council meetings and act as liaisons for the students. In this way, student views can be expressed and student ideas can enhance the running of the school. The co-operating teachers are currently Ms. Mulhern and Ms. McCormack and the link Deputy Principal is Ms. Malone.
In recent years the Student Council has been working on a number of projects, including:
- International Student Identity Cards – Working with ISSU (Irish Secondary Students’ Union) on making student cards available to all pupils in the school
- Letters and Petitions – to local T.D.s and Ministers regarding funding cutbacks and educational cuts directly affecting students and their education
- Designated Areas – for Senior Students at lunch times and additional benches for student seating
- Refurbishment – the student bathrooms – girls bathrooms supplied with sanitary products
- Uniform – changes to uniform to update the uniform policy to make it more inclusive for all
- Consultation on school policies and practices
- Reporting to Principal and Board of Management
The College greatly appreciates the work of the student council members and encourages all classes to ensure that they are represented on the council. Student voice is an important part of our school community in Lucan Community College.